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 After watching the video at the start of the reading I have found that I can find more information in reading articles by finding key words that relates back to my topic. This is a handy tool I used in general and really helps me find important information when doing research for any topic. I should also skim through the page and try notice things like the Abstract, Results, and Conclusion. All these key points will help me find out if the article I am using research for is relating into my topic and will help me further investigate into my final pieces of research. Links I had found for my research (Education in VR) - This first link was very useful with its table of contents it helped me navigate throughout the website and was easy to find the information I needed and related back to my topic and my fellow groupmates topic so I will share back to them

Game Idea Research

  After learning stuff this week, I found out there are multiple things I can do with mechanics to bring into my game.  For my first mechanic I would like to use the actions to move forward, left, right and backwards. This will allow my character to move to be able to get a wider range of view. It will also allow my character to move different distances to try get to different levels of the game But for the step one mechanic to work I will also need a projectile shooting mechanic in my game. This here is the key feature of the game and how you will complete the objective. I am still yet to find out on how to do this but I will find out how to do it and it will be brought in My third and final mechanic I want to implement into my game is a jumping mechanic that will help the player gain an advantage over the enemy CPU’s. And help reach different angles of the game These are mechanics I want to bring into my game as I start to envision it a lot more as this project moves on

Unity Tutorial 02

This tutorial was very useful to me as it can now move my game character to the game's objective in the game. I hope I can find a tutorial in the future that can help my character fire projectiles in the game as my main game focus right now is to make a shooter type game  After this week's Unity Tutorial, I have learned how to have more control of my car from last week's tutorial. When I first opened up the Unity Tutorial I was shown I will be working on the same project from last week which helped me learn on how to take backup topics from where I left off. I did not find many problems this week compared to last week as last week I learned the C:Script and how it works. I think the main challenge this week was getting the right speed I wanted for the car to move forwards, backwards, left and right. There wasn’t much to do and was overall easy to follow. I think this will help me in my game because my character will be having these types of movements to try to get that sens...

Game Elements

 After this small reading I went on and watched the video for week 4's reading task. I learned you can try represent this game in a more physical and abstract ways. Try different methods and ways to try spin up your game a little bit. Like taking away or adding speed. Making 2 objects your going to work with. There is so much more you can do if you have a more open mind and I am going to take all this all into consideration on how to develop my game.  After reading this weeks tasks  I have dove in to what makes a game... well more a game. I've come out with better knowledge on how to make a game and how to strat developing it. Not with the actual software but with idea making. It is a lot easier to make a game when you understand what your goal is. With things such as Rules, Objectives, Player Interaction and much more. These here are only a few of the main game elements that are put in and they can be broken down so much more to make a more complete game. I have als...