Game Elements

 After this small reading I went on and watched the video for week 4's reading task. I learned you can try represent this game in a more physical and abstract ways. Try different methods and ways to try spin up your game a little bit. Like taking away or adding speed. Making 2 objects your going to work with. There is so much more you can do if you have a more open mind and I am going to take all this all into consideration on how to develop my game.

 After reading this weeks tasks  I have dove in to what makes a game... well more a game. I've come out with better knowledge on how to make a game and how to strat developing it. Not with the actual software but with idea making. It is a lot easier to make a game when you understand what your goal is. With things such as Rules, Objectives, Player Interaction and much more. These here are only a few of the main game elements that are put in and they can be broken down so much more to make a more complete game.

I have also learned I need to be able to critic myself and ask myself why to some things in my game, like why does this certain thing do this, why does it need to do it etc. But I also need to mainly focus on the core of the games. This means I need to know what the fun part is.The formal elements of game systems and game design atoms « The Acagamic

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