After watching the video at the start of the reading I have found that I can find more information in reading articles by finding key words that relates back to my topic. This is a handy tool I used in general and really helps me find important information when doing research for any topic. I should also skim through the page and try notice things like the Abstract, Results, and Conclusion. All these key points will help me find out if the article I am using research for is relating into my topic and will help me further investigate into my final pieces of research.
Links I had found for my research (Education in VR) -
This first link was very useful with its table of contents it helped me navigate throughout the website and was easy to find the information I needed and related back to my topic and my fellow groupmates topic so I will share back to them
This second link showed me companies/schools and other people/brands that use VR to help with the educational purposes such as BMW and Stratford University and I will defiantly want to look into that link a lot more to help my findings.
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