Tutorial 05

 Doing this weeks tutorials seemed to be going quicker than the rest and I feel like this will help me making my final game for this semester and that these two tutorials will bring me a long way into making my game perfect.

Starting off with the camera. Cinemachine was very easy to install and import to my game . Cinemachine helped me control my camera settings much easier to my main character. And was a lot different in what I had to do last semester and all the scripting that came along with that. I found this a bit easier to use in my opinion but maybe that is because I had a hand to hold while using it reading the tutorial.

But this will help me when I want to stop the camera from going outside the map and I believe will make my game a lot better if I do decide to do something similar to this.

Moving on to making the particles. This section was very long to read through and I found myself missing a few lines while reading. But overall this part was easy enough. I had some use of particles for the 3D game last year but not like this. This was maybe just a little easier as there wasn't much to it. Mainly just getting the timings and positioning right of where I wanted it to be in my map.


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