Planning for semester 2

 After completing this weeks reading task, I have learned a lot on how to organize myself for writing tasks and keeping myself in check with many different forms and techniques to help me across the way, with such things being and Organization chart and a Matrix chart, Which I will give my opinions on down below.

Starting with the Organization chart I feel like is a lot more simple to follow and helps you to really start narrowing down your work which I really like the concept off, it is also something similar to a mind map which I have a lot of experience with also. This organization chart will not only be useful for me but I could also share my information I gather with my fellow group mates.

The Matrix chart is a little bit more complicated to follow in my opinion but I see its benefits when you do get it started and will help a lot when you start to go into more detail with your work and it will be easier to look back on what you have done. It is easy enough to follow in the video and I am grateful there way one while I watched it. We touched on folder organization last semester and the year before hand but this seems like a better way to keep track of all the work you do.


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