Reading 09
After reading on Judy's piece on Game Framework MDA she very well describe what it is and everything there is behind it. She started off with a very well written introduction that set off her part brilliantly. She then went into examples of MDA in a game which would help people understand what they are in a further stance by mentioning games like Fortnite Minecraft and Roblox well known games so people can visualise where these aesthetics come in.
She then went through what makes a game interesting when using examples such as when there is an Emotional experience, Achievement and Challenge. As a gamer myself I find all these do play a big part but there is also so much more that goes in. I know Judy was setting an example of what needs to go into a game but maybe there can be a little more to expand and elaborate on.
Judy done an amazing after reading her part and there was not much to criticise her on beside maybe coming up to the last part.
I then moved onto Brandon Bells part on General narrative tools here he talked about things outside of the mechanics of a game and more of the other stuff that makes games intriguing such as the Music where he mentions the game Metal Gear solid and the music "Snake eater" Which was a good example of music in games where it brings emotional end to the game where the main character is alone by himself as the music plays.
He went on to talk about the writing in games. He gave the example of The Wolf Among us. I have not heard of this game but what I do know is that the makers of this game telltale was one of the best story writers for games in the past generation. And all their dialogue is amazing. But I agree with Brandon that games need good writing to tell a story.
Brandon talked about cinematics also. I do believe these do bring a sense of life and feel to a game like they do with movies. But it also depends on the genre of game and if cinematics are needed. I believe in story games where there is a cut scene they will need to bring a story a long with them.
After reading these I have way I believe I can improve on my writing by adding an conclusion like Brandon or making more small bullet points like Judy
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