Tutorial 01

 For this semester I ill be going the route of 2D Game Dev. 

Starting off with this weeks tutorials I was brought through the basics of starting up my 2D game with setting up the unity editor. This was easy enough to do as the instructions were very clear and straight forward that a baby could be able to do it. And was fairly quick to complete.

All the rest felt very different than first semester and took me a few tries to get other stuff right with bits of coding and the Tilemaps. As it was different versions when watching the video. I believe reading for making this 2D gaming was my hardest thing to overcome so far. I learn a lot more visually than off text.

But the images made it a bit easier to follow although out-dated.

The scripting into making this game so far has been a lot more like last semester and will probably come out a bit easier at the end when I fully understand how to use it all and where everything will apply as there will be the key differences.

And talking about keys the character control for controller and keyboard had me stuck for a little bit when it wouldn't work. I then found a typo in the early stages of that scripting that messed me over and found me confused.

That is all I have to say for this week about what I had to overcome and achieve 


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