Tutorial 02

 Doing this weeks 2D tutorial tasks I have found a better knowledge for building a 2D game, I also had fun this week by being able to start decorating this game from the unity assets and making it somewhat my own and unique by being able to place this and making them an actual in game object and interactable here is how it went

I had previous experience from using game objects and prefabs from last semester and had a lot of remembrance of positioning using x,y,z. Using positioning was a easy enough enough to do as I had to use it a lot for my final game last semester with multiple entities and even in the tutorials.  

This is also the same with making the games last semester for my final project and the one for the tutorials. Using rigid bodies was something I was well familiar with and had a good knowledge off. I only had troubles when I missed a step and forgot to add it to a box. But that was a noticeable mistake and was fixed very quickly.

Overall this week was a lot shorter and easier than last as most things from last semester was still in this and I had a good knowledge on doing some of these things


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